LPHS Potluck on August 7, 2010

The Potluck at Vern and Diana's home on August 7, 2010 was a smashing success. Forty Two (42) classmates and friends attended the activity. The group picture below represents the majority of the attendees. There is no question that this type of get-together was well worth the effort and we hope to have another potluck before our 50th Reunion with even a greater number of classmates attending.

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Sitting: Alan Morrison, Paul Heller (class of '64), Mary (Espinosa) Goff, Patti (Martinez) Page,
Cristine (Smith) Ingram, Carol (Morretta) LaRock, Judi (Miller) Lang, Eleanor (Harrell) Jones
Middle Row: Alex Redes, Clela & Hal Wadley, Vern Browne, Linda (Addis) Mulhern, Cheryl (Phelps-class of '61) Orr,
Pat (West) Morrison, Karen (Russi) Hanft, Nancy (Cheatam-class of '61) Shipcott, Bob Lang,
Judy (Gailey) McEntire, Veronica (Lujan) Scott, Marie (Marconi) Lindsay and John Scott (standing behind Marie)
Back Row: Raul Balderama, Ed Shipcott (class of '61), Danny McKeener, Al Rumpilla, Phil Potter,
Elizabeth & Alan Anderson (class of '61)

Phil Potter enjoying himself and wishing you could've been here... phil potter

Enyoying the backyard with the colorful array of flowers backyard