
See you there...

Mini-Reunion Update...

The reunion committee agreed that a gathering of our classmates in 2014 would be a better idea than waiting until 2017 to have our 55th class reunion. Since all of us are into our golden years, getting together in two years after our 50th reunion would make better sense. The Mini Reunion will be held at Vern & Diana’s home on June 21, 2014. We haven’t determined all of the particulars of the Mini Reunion, but the cost per person would be around $15 each for the food and drinks throughout the day. The gathering will start at 2 pm and end around 10 pm or when everyone gets tired. In our next committee meeting we will get all the information together and post it on our website.

Hotels in the Corona area...
Click on the picture

Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn Express
5 Minutes Away
Rooms starting at $85

Holiday Inn

Springfield by Marriott
5 Minutes Away
Rooms starting at $98

Holiday Inn

Ayers Inn Corona East
10 Minutes Away
Rooms starting at $89

Mini-Reunion - Saturday, June 21, 2014

Where: Vern & Diana's Home in Corona, CA

This event will be a day & evening affair with more information to be given at a later date...

Updated Information Below Picture:

vern's backyard

Pat (Morrison) West is coordinating information on, click this line to see...

We will be sending emails and making some phone calls for those without emails to classmates about this event in the next couple of weeks. If you don't get an invitation or you want to make sure we have your email and/or phone number, please click this line to give us your information.

45th Classmates

Some of your classmates from the 45th class reunion...

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